Thursday, 25 July 2013

Mars One Mission-Introduction

What is Mars One? What kind of mission it's leading? What are the chances? Why Mars One from all the other missions? ... and a lot more questions about it ansewered in About Mars One Part 1. Read on if you're interested.

            Mars One Foundation is a non-for-profit organisation which mission is to establish a first independent settlement on Mars without the need for resources from Earth. The technology needed for the settlement is already available from industry leaders world-wide. They plan to fund it by involving the whole world as the audience, as the training and the selection program will be broadcasted and everyone will be able to vote for their favorite group.

            What group? The group of four people which will be trained in almost everything possible. Why just four and not more? Because four people is the lowest possible amount of people to cover a variety of skills and specializations, if they were to send more, they would need to send an even larger rocket to Mars which costs more, is harder to land and control. The group needs to be physically and mentally prepared for the trip since they will travel in the rocket for seven months (yea, you read it correctly). When they land they will still be 200% stronger than needed, what do I mean with that? If you live in a non-gravity space your muscles will not be under any kind of pressure and they will lose their integrity and strength, that's why astronauts that are in a space station need to train daily in the gym up there. Since Mars has 32% of the gravity on the Earth even if they lose some strength, they will still be much stronger than needed.

            The whole mission to put the first four people on the Mars costs six billion dollars. Woah, that is a lot, well of course it is; just imagine how much money costs 1 rocket to Mars and they will send about five before the first group of people. The technology involved costs a lot. About the technology, there will be a few things: Launcher, Mars Transit Vehicle, Lander which will be used for five functions (Life Support Unit, Supply Unit, Living Unit, Human Lander and Rover Lander), Rover, Mars Suite and a Communications System.

            If you ask me, it is an extraoridanary expedition, although they might never return to Earth or die while trying to land, there are a lot of dangers, but if you ask me they are worth taking in order to be one of the first people on Mars. In the next chapters of Mars One Mission about which I'm writing about I'll go into much more details.

You can find the final part here:


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